Monday, December 21, 2009

In the past three days I've had four pictures run pretty darn dark. I don't blame the awesome people who tone every image for print, but I do wish they would have been seen a little better. So I thought I would put them up here. The first image is from a story about a high collision intersection in Chatham. The other is a portrait of a CS8 swimmer, and on kind of a side note pocket wizards don't work that well once the antenna goes a few inches under the water...just so you know. The last two are from a luminaria evening at the Dana Thomas House. So yeah, four dark frames.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

At some point in my life I will really keep this up every week.  But for now here are a few random frames.  

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My ears still hurt from shooting the swim picture. Its from a story about a 63-year-old triathlete who is competing in the senior Olympics this weekend. Every time I get in a pool with a camera my brain tells me that this is a horrible idea. But hopefully something OK came out of it. The second one is kind of a media event set up. A runner from the Chicago marathon was giving his medal to a child with cancer. But after the t.v. guys left, and I really can't stand t.v. people, I stayed around and tried to get something. The last one is from a national guard welcome home ceremony.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

So a lot has happened since the last post. A little less then two weeks ago I moved to Springfield Illinois to intern at The State Journal Register till December. The town is pretty interesting, everyone I have met has been really friendly and helpful. I've also never lived downtown before but so far I like it. Waking up and seeing a city out the window is still a little surreal to me but it's very pretty. So far I've shot a lot of high school sports and random little feature assignments. I really can't wait to start working on a story.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A feature and a dog park party.

Friday, June 12, 2009

I went for a walk around downtown Saginaw after I got off work. It's a pretty empty place.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bavarian festival. It was a little empty today. More tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Before I get to behind, here are a few from the first week at Saginaw. 

Finally have the internet in Clio so some of these are kinda old. But this is all stuff from the drive up to Clio.

Monday, April 27, 2009

This is what happens when you bring students to the planetarium for a brief history of the universe.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

So I tried my hand at lighting a sport and as it turns out...well it didn't really.  One of the strobes died after the first fight and from then on the last one would only fire when it really felt like it.  But I will never put old batteries in a remote strobe ever again.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I realized the other day that I never put up my final story for picture stories.  So, here it is, an essay on warren county jail.  I'm still working on it during the night shift when ever I get a chance.  It's something I struggled with since I didn't want to make a piece that looked like cops, but I felt that this was something that most people don't usually get to see in any other way.